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Showing posts from September, 2015

Easy come, Easy go

It came too unexpectedly. I was overwhelmed. I was happy.  I was excited. It was a blessing. It made me feel alive. But one day, It disappeared. I lost it. I felt sad. I was disappointed. I cried. It was a lesson. Now, I have to let go. I have to smile. I  have to  keep moving. I  have to  believe. I  have to  live. Just a cycle that I need to get used to.

My Past, His Present, My Future

I always tell myself that past is past and we should learn from our mistakes. But do we really learn from them?  If you're too honest to admit, that's your mistake, then, you tend to learn from them. If your ego is too huge to admit your fault, then, you would never learn from them. *too simple* I heard something about someone who became part of my life for 6 years. My PAST and would always be my PAST. It's been 6 or 7 years since the last time we talked. We never had a proper closure. We always fight. Left and right arguments etc. We're not friends AND we would never be. (We have our own reasons why we'll never end up as friends.)  11 years ago, I thought he's the one for me. I was deeply in love and such. Did crazy things with him and shared good memories, too. It was too painful for me to let go of the relationship, but I did. Letting him go was the right thing to do. I would never regret that because if I didn't, he wouldn't meet HIS PRES